Combining our passions for your

health and well being




Testimonials • Testimonials • Testimonials •

“Beyond Amazing! Easy to use fits in your purse handy for those times when you need relief from pain. Highly recommend!”

Paula Vasey

“Amazing Product that reliably soothes and offers comfort for my mom’s aging restless legs and my tight overworked shoulder! This balm applied on my temples comforts me when I wake up at 3 am and feel the weight of the world!“.”

Megan Kaiser

“I want to say it’s amazing, but it’s more than amazing. Tiger Queen helps my tight muscles relax and honestly I sleep better when I use it!”

Eleanor Thompson

“I love this terpene-rich chapstick for how moisturizing and rich if feels! It’s also one of my favs for how well it does in hot environments since it hasn;t melted when others have-it’s a keeper!”

Louise Genetti